TRUPCR® Rifampicin Resistance MTB Detection Kit is an In vitro diagnostics assay that utilizes real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification of nucleic acids for detection of mutation in the hot spot region of rpoB gene in M. tuberculosiscomplex among human clinical samples.
The emergence and spread of multi-drug resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB) is threatening to destabilize global tuberculosis control. The prevalence of MDR-TB is increasing throughout the world both among new tuberculosis cases as well as among previously treated ones. It is estimated that more than 90% of rifampicin-resistant strains ofM. tuberculosisare also resistant to isoniazid. Hence, rifampicin resistance can reliably be used as a surrogate marker for the detection of MDR-TB.

Unique Features:
TRUPCR® Rifampicin resistance MTB assay with its patented design, offers an exclusive feature to detect the presence of M. tuberculosis complex by targeting a widely accepted gene target in addition to rpoB gene. This results in increased sensitivity for the detection of M. tuberculosis complex of up to 10 CFU and avoids frequently observed false negative results for paucibacillary samples due to limited sensitivity of rpoB gene.
TRUPCR® Rifampicin resistance MTB assay is designed to simultaneously detect all the known mutations in 81 base pair region of rpoB gene; in addition, the assay is designed to detect any unknown mutations as well
Advantages and Benefits:
Easy workflow with quick analysis. Single step extraction followed by a nested real-time PCR. No need of multiple steps, involving dedicated PCR or strips based analysis. No special personnel training required.
Open system; no need for any special consumables like tubes or cartridges or a dedicated real-time PCR instrument.
It works with routine molecular lab set-up and most of the existing real-time PCR instruments.Cost effective; works with routine column based extraction systems with standardized protocols.
Validated on pulmonary & various extra pulmonary samples.
Ordering Information:
3B1281 | TRUPCR® Rifampicin Resistant MTB Kit | 48 Reactions |
3B1282 | TRUPCR® Rifampicin Resistant MTB Kit | 96 Reactions |