JAK2 QL Mutations Detection

TRUPCR® JAK2 Kit (V2.0) is a real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay for qualitative detection of V617F mutation in JAK2 (Janus Kinase 2) gene against a background of wild-type genomic DNA.

This mutation is a guanine to thymidine transversion in position 1849 of the JAK2 gene, which leads to a valine to phenylalanine substitution in position 617 of the protein (V617F).

The TRUPCR ®  JAK2 mutation kit is based on ARMS PCR. Taq DNA polymerase is extremely effective at distinguishing between a match and a mismatch at the 3’-end of a PCR primer. The kit is designed to selectively amplify mutant specific sequences in samples that contain a mixture of wild-type and mutated DNA.

Key Features

  • The test allows highly sensitive site-specific detection of 0.5% mutant allele in a background of 99.5% wild-type allele.
  •  It is compatible with various Real Time PCR instruments.
  •  Easy-to-use, rapid, reliable, comprehensive and cost-effective tests.
  •  It is compatible with various Real Time PCR instruments.
  •  Complementary software analysis tool for easy detection and differentiation of mutants among wild-types.
JAK2 QL Mutations Detection

Ordering Information:

3B1246 TRUPCR® JAK2 KIT (Version 2.0) 24 Reactions
3B1247 TRUPCR® JAK2 KIT (Version 2.0) 48 Reactions


Sazawal, Sudha, et al. "Influence of JAK2V617F allele burden on clinical phenotype of polycythemia vera patients: A study from India." South Asian Journal of Cancer 8.02 (2019): 127-129.

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