TRUPCR® AML Panel Kit is intended for the qualitative detection & differentiation of diagnostic and prognostic markers of Acute Myelogenous Leukemia in peripheral blood or bone marrow samples using real-time and conventional PCR system. TRUPCR® AML Panel Kit is a combination of conventional PCR and Real time PCR. In real-time PCR, the analysis is based on fluorescent signal generated from the presence of an oligonucleotide probe specific for target DNA sequence. TRUPCR® AML Panel Kit is a comprehensive kit which includes complete cDNA chemistry for RNA based transcripts.
Key Features:
- Comprehensive detection and differentiation of most common diagnostic and prognostic markers for AML
- Sample Type – EDTA Blood / Bone Marrow
- All Inclusive Kit as all reagents for cDNA chemistry, PCR and real-time PCR are included
- Sensitive to detect up to 10 copies of fusion transcripts (AML1-ETO, CBFB-MYH11, BCR-ABL1, PML-RARA, RBM15-MKL1, DEK-CAN, SET-CAN) and up to 1% mutant allele in background of 98% wild type allele (c-KIT, NPM1, FLT3-ITD and FLT3-D835 & I836)
- Compatible Instruments – Applied Biosystems™ 7500 series / StepOne series / QuantStudio® series, Rotor-Gene Q, Bio-Rad CFX96, CFX384, AriaMx Real-Time PCR, Roche - LightCycler® 480 – II, Line gene K Real-Time PCR
Mutation Variants detected by TRUPCR® AML Panel Kit
Gene | Variant |
BCR-ABL1 | e13a2 & e14a2 (p210) |
e1a2 (p190) | |
BCR2 | |
BCR3 | |
CBFB-MYH11 | Type A |
Type E | |
Type D | |
TKD (D835Y, D835V, D835H & I836) | |
NPM1 | Type A |
Type B | |
Type D | |
C-KIT | D816V |
RBM15-MKL1 | RBM15_MKL1_e1-e5 |
DEK-CAN | DEK_CAN_e9-e18 |
SET-CAN | SET_CAN_e7-e18 |
ABL1 | Control gene |
Leukemia is defined as neoplastic proliferation of abnormal white blood cells (WBCs) and Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML) is a group of hematological diseases, phenotypic and genetically heterogeneous, characterized by clonal expansion of myeloid precursors with diminished capacity for differentiation. AML results from clonal transformation of hematopoietic precursors through the acquisition of chromosomal rearrangements and multiple gene mutations that confer a proliferative and survival advantage and impair hematopoietic differentiation. AML represents 15 to 20% of the acute leukemia cases in children and 80% in adults. Usually one or more cytogenetic abnormalities are found in approximately 55% of patients with AML, and because of this it configures a strong prognostic factor within the WHO classification. Currently cytogenetic markers are the most important for risk stratification and treatment of AML patients. Recent evidences show that the identification of new AML biomarkers contributes to a better understanding of the molecular basis of the disease, are significantly useful in screening, diagnosis, prognosis and monitoring of AML, as well as the possibility of predicting each individual´s response to treatment.
Ordering Information:
3B1401 | TRUPCR® AML Panel Kit | 24 Reactions |
3B1402 | TRUPCR® AML Panel Kit | 48 Reactions |